Thursday, May 23, 2013


Welp. I DON'T HAVE AN ADDRESS? WHAT AM GOING TO DO? DO I HAVE TO MOVE IN WITH MY MOM AGAIN??? ffffffffuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkk!

Then I was saved by one of my closest friends. Took me in. Let me cry, drank wayyy tooo much wine and heal at her house in their spare bedroom. And then. About a month or 2 later. They broke up. (Caution Caution!!!!!!!!) My Friend, being the wonderful, dedicated, loving girlfriend to her, now, ex. sees the tornado I am currently still grieving from.... and says "You can stay until I get home from being abroad in July. Its April. April 9th. 3 more months of the ex boyfriend in their house for 3 months. I see her kindness and loving heart..... so now. Its the first day of summer. My friend is in Africa and its just me, her ex-boyfriend, oh and did I mention his 50% of the time 6 year old living together for 6 more weeks. Yeah. Just the 3 of us and our 3 dogs. 
Awkward moment number one: I'm a social worker. Which in turn means I am an over talker. I over talk about an issue desperately needing to be overly reassured that things are okay after an argument/differing of opinion/moody day etc.... And my friend has the opposite way of how she talks about the issue. . She doesn't say anything to him. They go about their 'normal' lives. Not sleeping in the same bed. Barely talking. With 3 gigantic elephants in the room. Always.....I get nervous. Sweat. drink more wine because the obvious tension needs to STOP!!!  But nope. They talked 1 night when it was confirmed, yet again, that her boyfriend was never going to get married again. Never going to have another child. (this is the second time he has used this excuse).
She's a beautiful 24 year old with a masters degree and 3 years of experience in her profession, a good family a fun dog.....she's a catch and she finally grew her strength. She 'kicked him to the curb'.(MEMO: 3 month grace period of having him still live in HER house.) See, she's nice.
AND now she goes abroad. (Not that it wasn't dysfunctional prior to her departure.) Now.  I'm living with her ex-boyfriend who never made her a priority, was shady, sometimes didn't come home from the bars and wants to be single forever. What? Yep. our address: 841 Awkward drive. 

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