Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Post-Break-Up Debris!!!!

How do we move forward?
Well me, personally,  I move forward from the break up having no contact with his friends no contact with his family, no longer being facebook friends, not following him on twitter, avoiding all places I knew that I could possibly run into him. I changed grocery stores, roads I took to work, changed pharmacies and changed my gym schedule. (Small town minimal options for gym membership) Bingo!!!  Changing all those things has got to make this easier..... WRONG!
I may have placed myself outside of his loops but there always has to be something that brings me back to his loop. Why? This is the super power I want:  The power of forgetting! If I could forget their would be no problems, no bumps in the road or post-relationship debris. This week has been a week of debris. A friend said "Hey! Do you still talk to your ex?  I saw _____________  and her husband at the bars with your ex-boyfriend hanging out. They were in the same group of people." Who is this couple you ask? Well, the husband is military and was deploying so I helped her find a place to live for the year...encouraging her to move in with a friend.... Made sure to always include her and invite her to that she felt loved and supported in an unknown town while her husband is away..Went on weekend trips together....invited her to Christmas and Thanksgiving....etc.....(Genuinely loved being friends with her) ... .... Wrote graduate school recommendation letters.....and set her up with the best professional practicum available in our town. Welp. TRUE: Yes, she was hanging out with him because come on "What else was I to do when my husband still wants to be friends with him? I knew it would upset you? I knew it was wrong and has been bothering me. But I've moved on from the whole 'you two breaking up deal! I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I just didn't tell you (for 4 months!!!)"

Loyalty: is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. 

Let me just say to all of my friends/acquaintances/girls who were fucked-over by a guy.."Girl-Code".. I would Loyally NOT hang out with your ex boyfriend who humiliated you, lacked any sort of ability to treat you with dignity and kicked you out of your home because 'they didn't see you happily married in 10 years....' with zero notice.....
Never. I would never think this was okay or that we could maintain a healthy friendship. Sidenote: Her husband met him maybe 2 times prior to the break up. TWO TIMES!!!!! I was friends with his wife for 20 months prior to the break up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some people don't have loyalty.




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